This past week we finished the second iteration of our World Crises project. This time was quite a bit more difficult than last time because I worked on the back end, specifically merge import, this time around. My team decided to trade roles from last time, switching from back end to front end and vice versa, so we would get the opportunity to learn all parts of our app. The most difficult part of switching from front end to back end was the learning curve involved in understanding all the code that had been implemented the iteration before.
This iteration was the first time I experienced the full effect of software engineering at work. Previous projects maybe stressed specific aspects of software engineering such as pair programming, but this project made me appreciate extreme programming for the first time. Most of all I learned the importance of communication between team members. This had to do with the fact the my team switched roles and I had to work with some team members to understand the code they had written the previous iteration. WC2 proved to be the most difficult project thus far.
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