So the first programming assignment was due this week. I think I implemented it pretty effectively in the end, but needless to say, it was somewhat of a nerve-wracking task. I think the most difficult aspects of the project was figuring out how to design the cache effectively and keeping track of all the deliverables. I spent quite a while trying to figure out how a meta-cache works, and was often confused by the large number of files we had to turn in. Other than that, coding it wasn't terribly difficult. Overall, I grossly underestimated how many hours I would need to work on the project based on my initial assessment of the project, mainly because of the time it took to figure out the cache. I'm definitely glad we will be able to program with someone on our next project.
The papers this week on pair programming were pretty easy reads and generally very informative. A lot of it seemed to be common sense, but sometimes you forget about "proper" pair programming when you do it. When reading the papers, I realized some things that I could do better when I program with others. Sometimes I tend to hog the keyboard when I should let others do more of the typing. Also, I was kind of surprised when people in the second paper said that they understand the program better when they program by themselves, because I always find that I understand the material better when I have someone to help fill in the holes for me.
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